Just so you don’t think we’re lost in some ’60s nightmare, this episode is about someone in the full bloom of her career, before it has become a commonplace, not that there’s anything wrong with commonplace, which she is not. I got turned-on to her a couple years ago and was enraptured – and impressed, entertained, inspired, etc.
One of our C.I.s* tipped us to her latest project, The Moon And Stars: Prescriptions For Dreamers which turns out to be about as proper a use of forty-four minutes screen time as imaginable:
I’m gonna skeedaddle now before anything crazy happens, like taking a stab at describing the musical performance of Ms. Valerie June with this tired old language I’ve been dragging around with me since before I left home many many moons ago! Later….
*C.I. = Culture Interpreter, usually someone who speaks network tv and/or social media, and shares the highlights.